FAQ: Who Needs a DBS Check?

Who Needs a DBS Check?

A wide variety of roles require a DBS check, most notably, those that involve working with children or vulnerable adults. The specific level of check required depends on the job or activity being undertaken.

Here are some examples of roles and activities that generally require a DBS check:

This list is by no means exhaustive – the government guidelines can help you find exactly what kind of check your employees need, linked here.

Any Job Could Require a Basic Check

Technically, any role has the potential to require a DBS check – this is because all employers have the right to ask for a Basic check for their staff, and can make hiring decisions based on the results (or not consenting to have a check performed).

Getting The Right Check

If you need a DBS check for work, your employer should know what type of check you need, and assist in providing it.

If you are an employer looking to see who needs a DBS check, you could refer to the government guidelines online, or simply give us a ring – we’d be happy to advise.

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