FAQ: What is an Enhanced DBS Check?

Introduction – What is an Enhanced DBS Check?

So, what is an Enhanced DBS check?

An Enhanced DBS check is a type of criminal record check used in England and Wales. It is used to provide information about an individual’s criminal history and any other relevant information that may be held by the police, to help employers make informed decisions about whether a person is suitable for certain types of work.

What is an Enhanced DBS Check? When is an Enhanced DBS Check Needed?

An Enhanced DBS check is typically required for roles that involve working with vulnerable groups, such as children, or hospital patients. It is also required for certain professions, such as teachers, healthcare professionals, and social workers.

The Enhanced DBS check involves a check of an individual’s criminal record, as well as other sources of information, such as local police records, and if necessary, Adult’s & Children’s Barred Lists.

Who Can See What’s on an Enhanced DBS Check?

The information provided in an Enhanced DBS check is confidential. Any information recorded by an Enhanced DBS check is sent directly to the individual applicant, who can then choose whether to share it with their employer.

What is an enhanced  DBS Check

What’s it got to do with Aaron’s Department?

Aaron’s Department is an Umbrella Body, an organisation registered with the DBS that helps employers get DBS checks for their staff.

Our online checking service spots application mistakes as they’re being made, saving you time and money by reducing the chances your applications are rejected.

We also fast-track every single application we receive, making sure you get your results as quickly as possible.

For more information, check out the rest of our site, or contact us at contact@aaronsdepartment.com. We’re happy to help you with any questions you may have.

Further Reading – What Is An Enhanced DBS Check?

What Is An Exempted Question?

A Guide To The DBS Barred List

Can You Get A DBS Check Without A Passport Or Driving Licence?

About The Author

Can You Get a DBS Check Without a Passport or Driving Licence?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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