What Is The Quickest Way To Get a DBS?

DBS checks are often required for recruitment decisions, so it is important that employers, and applicants, can do whatever they can to make sure the DBS check is returned as quickly as possible.

What Is The Quickest Way To Get a DBS?

There is no one way guaranteed to get a DBS quicker. However, there are multiple things both the employer and applicant can do to accelerate the process.

What Is The Quickest Way To Get a DBS?

How Employers Can Speed Up The DBS Process

  1. Accurate Information: The first step to a speedy DBS check is ensuring all the information provided on the application form is accurate and complete. Inaccurate or incomplete details can lead to delays in processing.
  2. Use an Online Service: One of the quickest ways for employers to request a DBS check is by using an online service like Aaron’s Department. Online applications are processed faster, and the results are often delivered more promptly.
  3. Fast-Tracking: Using an Umbrella Body that offers fast-tracking means that they will submit the application to the DBS, ASAP. Just don’t be fooled into paying a premium for it – Aaron’s Department does it for free!
  4. Check Eligibility: Before initiating a DBS check, make sure the role you’re hiring for requires one. Not all positions need a DBS check, and submitting unnecessary applications can slow down the process.
  5. Support the Applicant: Keep open communication with the applicant and assist them in completing the application correctly. This collaboration can significantly reduce the chances of errors and omissions.
  6. Provide A Clear Job Role: The DBS makes their eligibility decision solely based off the job role. If the role doesn’t clearly reflect the applicant’s duties, and their level of check, then they may question it, or even outright reject the application!

How Applicants Can Speed Up The DBS Process

  1. Complete the Application Thoroughly: Applicants should take their time to complete the DBS application form accurately. Any errors or omissions can lead to unnecessary delays.
  2. Gather Required Documentation: Ensure you have all the necessary documents to support your application. This includes identification documents (like a passport or driving licence) and proof of address.
  3. Apply Online: Opt for online applications whenever possible. Online DBS checks are processed more quickly than paper applications.
  4. Submit the Application Early: The earlier you submit your DBS application, the sooner you can start your new job. Don’t wait until the last minute, as the processing time can vary wildly.
  5. Triple-Check Your Information: Before submitting the application, review it to ensure all details are accurate. One small mistake will result in wasted time, and money!
What Is The Quickest Way To Get a DBS?

Conclusion: What Is The Quickest Way To Get a DBS?

The quickest way to get a DBS through a combination of using the right Umbrella Body, making sure all information is 100% correct, as well as ensuring that the correct level of check has been requested.

By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can speed up the DBS application process and minimize the waiting time. At Aaron’s Department, we’re committed to providing efficient and reliable DBS checks to help you make informed decisions. Get started today, and let us assist you in achieving a swift and hassle-free DBS check process.

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About The Author

What happens if I make a mistake on my DBS application?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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