Can I Use PDF Documents For My DBS Check?

When providing proof of identity for a DBS, it is common for applicants to ask “Can I Use PDF Documents For My DBS Check?”. After all, in today’s modern world, we receive everything online. I can’t remember the last time I got a document from my bank or energy supplier through the post!

Can I Use PDF Documents For My DBS Check?

It is not possible to use PDFs, copies, or printouts of online documents. If you only have paperless documents, you will have to request to receive a paper copy from whoever has provided the document.

The DBS have made it very clear that online documentation cannot be accepted.

Can I Use PDF Documents For My DBS Check

Why Can’t I Use PDF Documents For My DBS Check?

PDF documents can’t be used because it is so easy for anyone to tamper with them. In just a few minutes, someone could easily create a legitimate looking document. At least when it’s an official paper document, it is a lot easier to see if someone has tried to alter it.

What Documents Can I Use For My DBS Check?

You must present physical forms of ID to complete your DBS application. This includes documents that establish your identity, and ones that prove your current address.

The most common forms of ID used are: Passports, Driving Licence’s, Birth Certificates, Bank Statements, Council Tax Statements, and Utility Bills.

Conclusion – Can I Use PDF Documents For My DBS Check?

You cannot use PDFs, copies, or printouts of online documents as ID when doing a DBS check. Only physical, original documents can be used.

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Further Reading – Can I Use PDF Documents For My DBS Check?

If you found this article on “Can I Use PDF Documents For My DBS Check?” useful, you may also want to read about:

How Do I Verify My Identity For DBS Check?

What Documents Do I Need For An Enhanced DBS Check?

What Documents Do I Need For A Standard DBS Check?

About The Author


John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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