Can I Get A Free DBS Check?

Introduction – Can I Get A Free DBS Check?

It is not currently possible to get a completely free DBS check.

Volunteers get the closest thing to a free DBS check, as they do not have to pay the Government fee, but there is usually still a small administration fee to be paid.

If you are an employer looking for a low-cost DBS Check, then while we cannot promise you free DBS checks, we can assure you that we are one of the most competitively priced companies available.

We don’t charge a sign-up fee, inflate the price of checks, or charge extra for a “fast-track” service. Our prices are transparent and as a DBS Umbrella company, we are your gateway to DBS checks that are straightforward to obtain and processed quickly and error-free.

Can I get a free dbs check

Can I Get A Free DBS Check? – Volunteer DBS Checks

The Government waives its fee for Volunteer DBS checks, as long as they meet the volunteer check criteria, which means that other than the small administration fee for processing the DBS Check, there is no further charge.

Volunteer DBS Check Criteria

To qualify for a free-of-charge volunteer check, the applicant must not:

  • benefit financially from the position for which the application is being submitted
  • receive any payment (except for travel and other approved out-of-pocket expenses)
  • be on a work placement
  • be in a trainee position or undertaking a course of study that will lead to a full-time role/qualification
  • be a paid foster carer or a member of a foster care household

The free volunteer check only relates to an Enhanced or Standard DBS Check. A Basic DBS Check is not eligible for a waiver of the Government fee.

Can I get a free dbs check

Can I Get A Free DBS Check? – Free Covid DBS Checks

As of the 11th of May 2023, The DBS Covid Fast and Free Service has ended. It is no longer possible to get a free COVID DBS check.

Can I get a free DBS Check

Conclusion – Can I Get A Free DBS Check?

In conclusion, to answer the question, Can I get a free DBS check? The closest you can get to a free DBS check is if you are a volunteer, and therefore don’t have to pay the Government fee.

While you cannot get a completely free DBS Check, here at Aaron’s Department, we know the importance of keeping down the costs of checks. That’s why we never charge a sign-up fee or charge extra to process DBS checks the same day, as well as making sure our DBS checks are competitively priced.

For more information on Volunteer DBS checks or any other service we provide, get in touch on 0113 877 0171 or or register below.

About The Author

What happens if I make a mistake on my DBS application?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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