DBS Checks for Driving Instructors – What You Need To Know in 2024

Do Driving Instructors need a DBS Check?

In this article, we’ll explore why DBS checks for driving instructors are necessary, and how they contribute to safer roads for everyone. Driving is an important life skill, and being able to teach someone how to drive safely is a big responsibility. As such, driving instructors must meet specific requirements before they can operate legally. One of the essential requirements for becoming a driving instructor in the UK is a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. People who are working as driving instructors are required to have an Enhanced DBS Check with a Children’s Barred List check, which will need to be applied for by their employer.

Why DBS Checks For Driving Instructors Are Essential

Driving instructors work closely with the public, including children and vulnerable adults. They have access to personal information and are often in a position of trust. As such, it is essential that they undergo a DBS check to ensure that they are suitable to work with these groups of people. The DBS check helps to prevent unsuitable people from working with children or vulnerable adults, which can help to reduce the risk of harm or abuse. This check is also needed as, to be a Driving Instructor, you are required to be on the Approved Driving Instructor Register (ADI), and as part of this application, the Enhanced DBS checks for Driving Instructors are required.

DBS Checks for Driving Instructors

What Does an Enhanced DBS Check Show?

Enhanced DBS checks show a history of:

  • All spent and unspent convictions.
  • Final warnings.
  • Reprimands.

They also contain any information that the local police consider relevant for disclosure.

Because of the role, this is an Enhanced DBS Check with Children Barred List, which will also include the result of a check against the children’s barred lists.

If the person receiving the DBS check has any of these, they will show up on the certificate.

The employer will then decide if they want to hire based on the returned DBS check result.

Summary – DBS Checks For Driving Instructors

In Summary, DBS checks are an essential requirement for anyone working with children or vulnerable adults, and driving instructors are no exception. By ensuring that driving instructors undergo a DBS check, you can help to maintain high standards of driving instruction and keep our roads safe for everyone. If you are considering becoming a driving instructor, it is important to be aware of the DBS check requirement and to ensure that you meet all the necessary criteria before applying for your licence.

DBS Checks for Driving Instructors

How Employers Can Get DBS Checks For Driving Instructors

With Aaron’s Department, getting Enhanced DBS checks for Driving Instructors couldn’t be easier.

Our easy-to-use, online DBS checking service allows you to get your staff to work faster than ever before.

You can read more about it on our Employer page, or to get started right away, use the sign-up button below.

About The Author

FAQ: How Often Should DBS Checks Be Renewed In Schools?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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