Do Supply Teachers Need A DBS Check?

Introduction – Do Supply Teachers Need A DBS Check?

Ensuring the safety and well-being of students is a top priority in any educational setting. In this article, we look at DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) Checks for supply teachers, focusing on the essential question: “Do supply teachers need DBS checks?”

Do Supply Teachers Need DBS Checks Like A Regular Teacher?

Supply teachers, like their full-time counterparts, are required to undergo an Enhanced DBS Check with Barred List Checks depending on who they are teaching. If they are just teaching Vulnerable Adults, this will be an Adult Barred List check they require instead of a check of the Children’s Barred List.

This thorough check unveils any past convictions or cautions, both spent and unspent, which are not subject to filtering.

Additionally, it can include information held by the applicant’s local police force relevant to the specific role.

Children’s Barred List Check:

Integral to the Enhanced DBS Check for supply teachers is the Children’s Barred List Check (formerly known as List 99 Checks). This check determines if the applicant has been barred from working with children. For all teachers, including supply teachers, engaging in regulated activity with children necessitates this type of check.

Do supply Teachers need a dbs check

Regulated Activity with Children:


Regulated activity encompasses unsupervised activities involving teaching, instructing, caring for, or supervising children. It becomes crucial to discern this type of work, as someone barred from working with children is expressly prohibited from engaging in regulated activity. For further information on Regulated Activity, we have a further article explaining more. 5 Things About Regulated Activity You Should Know

Frequency Criteria:

Work qualifies as regulated activity if conducted regularly—defined as more than three times in a 30-day period. Given the frequent involvement of supply teachers in teaching and training children within schools, their work often falls under this regulated activity category.

Do Supply Teachers Need A DBS Check? – Applying for DBS Checks for Supply Teachers:


Individuals cannot directly apply for an Enhanced DBS Check; instead, employers or agencies must initiate the application. For supply teachers, this means the agency or school they work for will need to apply on their behalf. Employers can submit applications through a DBS Umbrella Body.

Do Supply Teachers Need A DBS Check? – DBS Check Renewal for Supply Teachers:


While DBS Checks have no official expiry date, supply teachers may require a new check when undertaking a new teaching role depending on the policy of the local authority. However, subscribing to the DBS Update Service streamlines the process, allowing teachers to keep their DBS certificate up-to-date.

The DBS Update Service:

This subscription-based service keeps certificates current and facilitates online checks by employers, with the teacher’s consent. Supply teachers subscribed to the DBS Update Service will not need a new check for every post, especially if the role requires the same type of check within the same workforce. Here at Aaron’s Department, we offer an Automatic Update Service Checker.

Do supply teachers need a dbs check

Do Supply Teachers Need A DBS Check? – Conclusion:

To answer the question, “Do supply teachers need a DBS Check?” the answer is yes. Supply Teachers, as with permanent teachers, do require a DBS Check.

From the Enhanced DBS Check to the Children’s Barred List Check and the option to subscribe to the DBS Update Service, understanding these processes is essential for both teachers and employers. For further inquiries or detailed information, please call on 0113 877 0171 or sign up and begin your DBS Checks today.

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About The Author

FAQ: Which DBS Is The Best?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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