How long do DBS Checks last?

We get the question: “how long do DBS checks last?” quite often, and for good reason! It’s not a clear-cut answer. Although DBS checks never really “expire”, this doesn’t mean you should use or accept an old one.

In this post, we’ll explain how often you need to have DBS checks done, for yourself or your staff, and what choices you have in the process.

How long do dbs checks last?

How Long do DBS Checks Last: Can DBS checks expire?

Simply put, a DBS Check is a criminal record background check on an individual, any other information the police may have on file for that individual – for example, cautions.

The government website explains that a DBS check has no expiry date – which is true. The check is simply a record of everything up to the certificate’s date of issue.

While your DBS certificate will never expire, it can become too old/outdated for employers to accept.

Legally, how long do DBS checks last?

In practice, workers will require a new DBS check depending on their role. Staff or volunteers working with under-18s and/or Vulnerable Adults typically need a new DBS check on an annual basis. This is because the regulatory bodies governing healthcare & childcare will penalise employers for not doing so.

Other roles that require a Standard DBS check, such as actuaries, vets, and legal professionals, only require one DBS check, at the start of their employment.

There are no legal or regulatory reasons to get a new Basic DBS check, but you should still bear in mind the document’s age.

Renewing your DBS checks

There are two main ways to keep your staff’s DBS checks “up to date”. Firstly, you can have checks performed on your staff on a regular basis. Annual checks are common in the Healthcare and Childcare sectors.

Or, you could use the DBS Update service, a subscription-based DBS service where the police will add any relevant information as it occurs, rather than you having to make the applications.

Of the two, the Update Service provides a much more responsive approach, as you will see when there is a change to the applicant’s certificate, rather than waiting for the new check in one, two, or three years time!

At Aaron’s Department, we offer automatic checking of the DBS Update Service, meaning as soon as there is a change to a registered certificate, you’ll know instantly!

You can read more about how you can benefit from this on our page about our Automatic DBS Update service check. Automatic DBS Update Service Check

Renewing your DBS checks

There are two main ways to keep your staff’s DBS checks “up to date”. Firstly, you can have checks performed on your staff on a regular basis. Annual checks are common in the Healthcare and Childcare sectors.

Or, you could use the DBS Update service, a subscription-based government service that keeps DBS certificates legally up-to-date, as long as the subscriber’s criminal record remains unchanged.

For sectors that require regular DBS checks, the Update Service is the cheaper option by far. Click the link below to find out more:
DBS Update Service

How long do DBS checks last? A table to show how cost-effective the Update Service is.

Summary: How long does a DBS check last?

In summary, DBS checks don’t expire, as they are simply a record of everything up until the date of completion. What happens instead is that they become less useful to employers as time goes by, so employers often choose to require new checks to be performed. For roles requiring an Enhanced DBS certificate, certificates are often updated annually, or subscribed to the DBS Update Service.

About Aaron’s Department

If you need some DBS checks your staff, why not give Aaron’s Department a go?

Our easy-to-use, cost-effective system allows you to quickly register and set up candidate accounts. This allows the individual to easily complete the information themselves, providing a smooth and stress-free application.

Our experienced countersignatories will handle your applications with the utmost care and attention to ensure they are correct.

Just click the green button below to register your organisation for free. For more information, please feel free to drop us an email at, or call 0113 877 0171 – we’re always happy to help.

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