New Service Launch: Free Reference Checks By Aaron’s Department!

I am incredibly proud of our team and the successful launch of our Reference Checks service. It’s been a collective effort, and seeing it come to fruition with such positive feedback is truly rewarding. The system we’ve created is already saving employers’ time, and ensuring thorough and reliable reference checks. Everyone has worked tirelessly to make this a reality, and it’s exciting to see the impact it’s having on streamlining & securing the hiring process for our clients.

– Duncan Horsfall, Managing Director

We are proud to announce the launch of our new service – Reference Checks by Aaron’s Department!

With our free reference checking service, we can handle all of the hassle of gathering & auditing references for your candidates. Here’s how it works…

Reference Gathering

  1. Provide your candidate’s name and contact details. We’ll get in touch with them so they can nominate their referees.
  2. Create a custom reference template – these are the questions you want the referees to answer. Templates can be tailored to specific job roles, and are easily reused. This only takes a minute if you know what questions to ask in advance.
  3. From here, Aaron’s Department will take care of the rest and chase up with the nominated referees. You can focus on your other work while our team is getting the results.
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International Background Check

Reference Auditing

Once all the referees have provided responses, we’re able to audit them, verifying their providence and integrity.

If you opt for an audit, our Auditing Team will conduct their own investigation into the referees, their employers, and the reference’s content.

Results you can be confident in!

Importance of Reference Checks for Employers

Sometimes it feels like getting references takes more effort than it’s worth – but not bothering with them can result in a bad hire. Just because they sounded convincing in the interview, doesn’t necessarily mean they know their stuff! So, what are the potential consequences of a bad hire for you and your organisation?

Increased Workload & Expenses

An inexperienced hire will need extra training, which someone else has to do, and another person will have to do their job properly too. Hiring someone was meant to reduce the workload, not increase it – and you’ve still got to pay them too!

“The Blame”

Whose fault is it when the inexperienced carer drops grandma from the bed hoist? Whoever hired them without doing the right checks! Bad hires put the hirer, or hirers, at risk of repercussions from their boss, or even worse!

Risky Liabilities

For positions of trust, such as those involving money, data, machinery, or healthcare, the risk is even huge. Employing an unsuitable candidate in such roles, you’re endangering your equipment, security, customers, and peoples’ wellbeing.

Loss of Business

It only takes one person to seriously mess up a business. Reference checks can reveal whether a candidate a previous record of incompetence, unpleasantness, untrustworthiness, and otherwise causing chaos.

The Age of AI

Nowadays, A.I. language models make it easier than ever before to lie on a CV and smash pre-employment tests. The overwhelming majority of people in the UK have admitted to lying on their CV,

The Right Fit For The Role

By asking the right questions, you can target your references to reveal candidates’ strengths, weaknesses, ability to meet deadlines, cultural fit – anything you choose. References are there to inform, and act as an official 2nd opinion on your candidates.

Why We’ve Made It Free

Our Reference Checks system started out as a project for a recruitment agency we work extra-closely with. After only a couple of weeks of testing the system, the agency told us that they were already seeing a handful of candidates didn’t quite have the experience they claimed.

One referee even told the agency the applicant was a cleaner, not a Healthcare Assistant, as they had asserted! Now, imagine if this person was hired without a reference check, and was looking after someone who you loved…

After seeing the effectiveness of our new reference check service, we decided to offer it for free. For us, this system isn’t about making money, it’s about protecting everyone from bad hires.



If you like the sound of this new service, you’re not alone. We’ve already had some really encouraging demand, and uncovered some dodgy candidates for our customers. To start using our service, sign-up is simple. Use the buttons below to register, or log in if your organisation already has an account.

You could be setting up reference checks in a matter of minutes!

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