Free Reference Checks For Employers

Automatically request reference checks for your potential candidates without having to make a call or send an email!
Reference Checks by Aaron’s Department allows you to send out free reference requests with minimal effort.

Automatic Requests

Reference requests and follow-ups are sent automatically. Hands-free!

Customisable Templates

You’ve got full control over the questions sent to referees.


Our trained team of consultants can validate references.

The Importance of Reference Checks

Reference checks play a crucial role in the recruitment process, giving employers a real insight into a potential candidate’s actual performance and attitude in the workplace. By asking the right questions, employers can find out all sorts of useful information on applicants. Strengths and weaknesses, ability to meet deadlines, how well they fit the culture, and more.

Get References Quickly

Requesting references for potential employees can be a real pain – sending emails and chasing up with calls. It’s surprising how difficult some organisations are to get through to!

Reference Checks by Aaron’s Department completely automates the process, chasing up incomplete references without you having to lift a finger.

If you’d like to speed up the process, we also have a team of consultants available to make calls and send extra emails to get through to the referee.

International Background Check
Reference Checks

Audit References

Want to make sure the references received are legitimate? With Aaron’s Department, you can book our team of trained consultants to independently verify the identity and validity of the referee and their responses.

We’ll cross-examine the details with information available online, and make any extra calls required. You’ll be notified of any suspect details we uncover.

Another time-consuming task to check off your list! This can also be done manually through our interface should you prefer.

Streamline Your Reference Checks

First, provide us with the applicant’s name and email address, and how many references are required. We’ll then send an automated email asking them to nominate the referees.

In the meantime, you can design the questionnaire you want the referees to complete. This is totally customisable, with options for text-based answers, multiple choice, out-of-10 ratings, and more.

The nominated referees will be sent this form by email, and will be chased up by further automated emails until it’s completed. You’ll also have the option to request that our Operations Team call them, if they aren’t responding to emails.

You’ll be notified as soon as you get a response!

Collecting References

Part of a All-In-One Employment Tool

Reference checks aren’t the only thing you can do at Aaron’s Department! We also allow you to quickly apply for other recruitment-essential checks, such as DBS Checks, Right to Work, Digital ID, and a whole host of other international checks.

Any check you request and send to us by 4pm (Monday-Friday) will be processed the very same day to help your candidates get into work fast.