The Importance of Reference Checks

In the fast-paced world of business, hiring the right talent is crucial, which is why the importance of reference checks should not be forgotten.

As the Managing Director of Aaron’s Department, and other organisations during my time, I’ve learned that one of the most overlooked, yet invaluable tools in the hiring process is reference checks. In this blog, I’m going to discuss the importance of reference checks, and why it can be as, if not more, important than the rest of the recruitment process!

Why Is Reference Checking Important?

Reference checks give you a clearer indication of an applicant’s past, how they react in certain situations, and how they will fit into the work environment.

Despite what some may think, reference checks still have a place in the recruitment process.

Validating the Candidate’s Claims

Naturally, candidates try to present themselves in the best possible light during interviews. They highlight their accomplishments and skills, making it challenging to determine the truth, from exaggeration, from outright lies – this is where the importance of reference checks comes in.

By contacting the candidate’s previous employers or colleagues, you can validate their claims and gain a more accurate understanding of their past performance and capabilities. This helps you avoid hiring someone whose skills and experiences fall short of what they’ve portrayed.

The Importance of Reference Checks

Insight into Work Ethic and Team Dynamics

I’ve learned the hard way that it’s not just about finding the candidate with the right qualifications; it’s also about discovering if they’ll fit into your existing team. Reference checks provide valuable insights into a candidate’s work ethic, interpersonal skills, and ability to collaborate.

You can inquire about how the candidate performed in a team, handled conflicts, and whether they went above and beyond their role. This information is crucial in ensuring the new hire will align with your team’s dynamics and contribute positively to your organisation.

Identify Potential Red Flags

Another importance of reference checks is that it can help uncover any red flags that may not have been apparent during the interview process.

A former employer or colleague might reveal concerning behaviour patterns, such as a history of frequent absenteeism or inability to meet deadlines. These insights can help you make an informed decision and avoid bringing in someone who could disrupt your team or damage your organisation’s reputation.

Protecting Yourself

The last thing you want to do is make a hire, then have everyone pointing the finger at you for not hiring the right person!

Reference checks provide a record of due diligence in your hiring process. If any issues arise after the hire, you’ll have proof that you made a well-informed choice based on the information available at the time.

Conclusion – The Importance of Reference Checks

Reference checks give you a much better idea of an applicant. From how they have handled certain situations, to how they act in a team, it’s all important to know! Of course, you can only get a better understanding if you are asking the right questions.

Reference checks, as well as conducting a good interview, and making sure you get the correct DBS check, will help make sure your next hire is the perfect one!

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Further Reading

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About The Author

The Importance of Reference Checks

Duncan Horsfall

Duncan is the Managing Director of Aaron’s Department. With decades of managerial experience, he reckons he knows a thing or two about how to run a business. He’s probably right!

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