What Questions Are Asked On A DBS Check?

If you’re going to be filling out a DBS application, it can be helpful to know in advance what questions are asked on a DBS check.

This FAQ post will cover the information required for an online application, in the order it is requested by Aaron’s Department’s online form.

Please bear in mind that paper applications ask for similar information to online applications, but there are slight differences. Click here for the government’s paper application guide.

What Questions Are Asked On A DBS Check? – Basic Details

We need the applicant’s:

  • Full name, including any middle names.
  • Title.
  • Date of birth.
  • Gender.
  • Previous names, and the dates they were used between.
What Questions Are Asked On A DBS Check?

What Questions Are Asked On A DBS Check? – Address History

Next, the applicant must provide:

  • Their current postal address, and the date since they’ve been residing there. The Royal Mail’s postal address checker is an incredibly useful tool here.
  • All of their addresses from the past 5 years, and the dates the applicant lived at each address. This date doesn’t have to be day-specific, the month and year will do.

What Questions Are Asked On A DBS Check? – More Details

The contact details requested here are for use by the Umbrella Body (that’s us) in case of issues with the check, and the chances we will have to use them are very slim. As well as this, the applicant must provide:

  • Their birth town.
  • Their birth country.
  • Their UK National Insurance Number, if they have one. This is not a required field, but will likely result in a faster DBS check.
  • Whether they are a UK National or not. (In practice, this question can only be answered YES to if the applicant is using a UK passport as one of their ID documents, or if they are entitled to a UK passport. If a non-UK passport is used, the applicant must answer NO to this.)
  • Their email address, so we can reach the applicant if necessary, and an optional phone number.
  • Whether the applicant will be undertaking paid or voluntary work.

What Questions Are Asked On A DBS Check? – Passport & Driving Licence Details

This section requires the applicant’s passport and driving licence details. Fairly self-explanatory, but there are a couple of important things to consider:

  • The documents must not be expired, or they cannot be used as evidence.
  • The names and D.O.B.s on the documents must all match the applicant’s current details, and each other. For example, if the applicant has a middle name that does not appear on their driving licence, the DBS will not accept it as evidence – we see this happen fairly often, and it always holds things up.
What Questions Are Asked On A DBS Check?

What Questions Are Asked On A DBS Check? – Further Documents

Finally, the Evidence Checker for your employer must verify your identity documents in-person to verify that they are legitimate, valid, and correct.

Once this is done, the Evidence Checker will select the level of disclosure required, and enter the applicant’s job role. The DBS will use this information to assess whether the level of check requested is correct.

Depending on the options your employer has selected, you may need to check the application again before it is sent, or pay for the application. With Aaron’s Department, employers can choose who needs to pay for the check, themselves or the applicant, or a percentage each.

Once this is done, the application is complete and will be sent to the Umbrella Body (us) for processing!

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Further Reading

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About The Author

What Questions Are Asked On A DBS Check?

John Schofield-Antoncich

John has processed more applications than days he has been alive, and has become the DBS expert. Got a question? He knows the answer!

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